Subject Objectives:

1. To develop students an ever-improving capability to use English. 

2. To enrich students' language proficiency with Primary English Literacy Programme Space Town, multiple Writing strategies and flipped classroom.

Work Related to School Year Concerns:

1. Increase students’ reading quantity with P.1 English Story time in the morning DEAR time reading session with NETs, purchase English readers and upload audiobooks on Google Classroom for Primary one to six students. 

2.  Increase the effectiveness of teaching by adopting Lesson Studies in co-planning. 

3. Allocate mentor teachers to conduct lesson observation and provide post-lesson feedback to mentee teachers during teachers peer lesson observations. 

3. Cultivate a culture of mutual appreciation by providing students opportunities to showcase their works on Google Classroom and present their ideas in classroom activities. 

4. Provide a Language Rich Learning Environment for students in the school campus with English Mondays, Thursday and Friday English Delights, rich language displays and thematic festive learning days, such as: Halloween Fun Learning Day and Winter Festival Learning Day. 

Outside Support:

1. Adopt “Primary One Students English Diagnosis App” developed by the Hong Kong Education University.

2. EDB NET Section Space Town Literacy programme for P.1-3. 

2. P.3-5 School-based Reading & Writing Curriculum co-developed with an experienced curriculum development professional.

Cross-curricular/Subject Activities:

1. Solo Verse Speaking organized by the “Hong Kong Schools Music Festival”

2. Cross curriculum excursions 

3. Reading Across Curriculum learning activities

3. Buddhist joint-schools drama competition

4. EDB Filmit Competition 


 1. Filmit 2022: European Union Best Ensemble Performance (Primary Section) NET Section, Education Bureau 

2. Filmit 2022: European Union Best Overall Film —- First Prize (Primary Section) NET Section, Education Bureau 

Use of IT: 

1. Provide Speech Festival Solo Verse poems demonstration videos for students who joined the competition on Google Classroom. 

2. Provide self-directed learning games as well as pre-learning video lessons on Google Classroom for flipped classroom. 

3.  Provide online marking and feedback on students’ speaking practice on Google Classroom. 

4. Attach QR code of dictation recordings on Dictation Revision Notes (P.1-6)

Future development:

1. Empower teachers’ skills  with workshops on e-learning platforms and apps. 

2. Establish connection with the local English language curriculum leaders by joining the learning circles of curriculum leaders in English language education. 

3. Create detailed school-based lesson plans and resource packs for P.3-6 school-based writing curriculum.  

4. Enrich existing school English readers and audiobooks in both quantity, quality and accessibility.

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