
本校午膳供應商是由帆船美膳制作有限公司Sailing Boat Luncheon Production Limited承辦,  台端可自行選擇由學生自備午膳、家長送膳或向午膳供應商訂購午膳。現將有關安排臚列於下,祈為垂注。

(一)     午膳規則

  1. 學生午膳時間為12:35-13:00
  2. 請囑咐  貴子弟於進食時注意餐桌禮儀,細細咀嚼食物,不應高聲談笑或在課室嬉戲,以免食物吞嚥失誤,造成意外。
  3. 為支持環保,至六年級學生須自行攜帶過往年度飯商所派發之托盤及餐具。凡委託午膳供應商訂購午膳之一年級學生及新生,飯商將贈送環保餐具及托盤各一套予學生,供日後持續使用。
  4. 為保持環境清潔及個人衞生,請學生每天帶備乾淨的濕毛巾作清潔用途,餐具及毛巾須每天帶回家清洗,並於翌日帶返學校。


(二)     學生自備午膳

  1. 自備午膳之學生須使用保溫飯壺或餐盒盛載午餐,學校不會為學生翻熱食物。
  2. 學生應使用塑膠飯壺或餐盒及餐具,切勿攜帶玻璃器皿玻璃內膽之飯壺回校,以免發生危險。
  3. 請為 貴子弟預備合適之午餐,避免攜帶流質食物或湯水類回校,以免因打翻而造成意外。
  4. 容易變壞的食物,例如:奶類食品、壽司、沙律等,應避免讓學生帶回校。


(三)     家長送膳

  1. 家長送遞午膳時間:11:50-12:10
  2. 餐盒擺放地點:本校停車場入口適當之膠箱內(各箱將按級別編排)。
  3. 為學校保安起見,家長送膳後,請儘快離開學校。
  4. 所有午餐必須放置於布/膠袋內,袋面清楚註明學生姓名及班別,以便學校員工分發給有關學生。
  5. 家長不必於午膳後取回午餐飯壺或餐盒,可讓 貴子弟於放學時自攜回家。
  6. 避免送遞流質或湯水類食物,以免因打翻而造成意外。


(四)     向午膳供應商訂購午膳

1. 供應商:帆船美膳制作有限公司

2. 款式:每日提供四款任擇其一(其中一款是低碳無肉素餐)。

3. 費用:每盒29元,訂購以月訂為準,不設散訂。

4. 訂購方法:

  1. 家長自行在App Store 或Google Play下載「點餐易Smenu」及按「點餐易家長通告」資料登記。







  1. 學校會於每月初透過GRWTH通知家長,在指定限期內到「點餐易Smenu」選餐,逾期恕不接受該月之訂購,亦恕不接受中途取消訂購。


  • Payme 、Circle K便利店或繳費靈應用程式。
  • 經校方確認受惠於「在校免費午膳計劃」之學生,無須交費。


6. 退餐及退款安排 :





c.如有查詢歡迎致電帆船美膳制作有限公司~客戶服務熱線 24709015。











(i) 在學生資助計劃下,獲得2023/24學年「全額津貼」;

(ii) 就讀官立、資助(包括特殊學校)或直接資助計劃的全日制小學;及

(iii) 由其就讀的學校安排午膳(學生自備午膳不會獲提供資助)。




(i)  家長自行決定參加與否。申請的家長須向學校提交兩份證明文件,包括:

  • 由學校發出申請參加「在校免費午膳」的通告回條,以核實學生家長同意學生參與計劃;及
  • 由在職家庭及學生資助事務處轄下的學生資助處發出的「2023/24資格評估申請結果通知書」或「2023/24資格證明書」,以證明其子女獲學生資助計劃「全額津貼」的資格。

(ii) 原則上,午膳資助的生效日期應以家長提出「在校免費午膳」申請的日期起計算,家長不可追溯申請日期之前的午膳費用。

(iii) 由於學生資助計劃的申請審核需時,而午膳費用普遍需要預繳,對於提 交「在校免費午膳」申請時正等候學生資助計劃的審批結果,並已為其子女繳付午膳費用的家長,若日後能提交所需的證明文件,學校會安排午膳供應商將有關款項退回予家長。

(iv) 至於在學年開始時不擬申請「在校免費午膳」的家長,日後亦可向學校 提交申請,但午膳資助只會自家長向學校提交申請「在校免費午膳」的日期起計算,家長不可追溯該日期之前的午膳費用。

(v)  學校會根據學生資助處提供的資料核實學生的資格,若發覺學生不符合及/或經該處覆核後證實不符合「全額津貼」資格,學校會通知家長自行支付午膳費用予午膳供應商,並會要求家長退還學校已代繳的午膳費用。

(vi) 家長提交的資料只會用於處理「在校免費午膳」的申請。

(vii)  [若學校有需要將參加「在校免費午膳」的學生資料轉交午膳供應商,請加上下列聲明於(vii)項。]



A.    Lunch Arrangement

            We have selected Sailing Boat Luncheon Production Limited as our lunch supplier for 2023-2024 academic year. Pupils can order lunch at school or bring their own lunch to school. Parents are welcome to deliver lunch to school for your child. Please pay attention to the following arrangements:

          i) Rules for lunch:

1. Lunch time: 12:35 – 13:00

2. Please remind your child to be aware of proper table manner. No shouting or playing

while having lunch.

3. P.2 to P.6 pupils are advised to bring their own plastic mat and eating utensils (forks or spoons). A

set of eating utensils and a plastic mat will be offered to P.1 and new pupils who have ordered lunch

from the lunch supplier.

4. Pupils are reminded to maintain good personal hygiene. Pupils should bring a wet towel for cleaning purposes. Eating utensils and towel should be taken home for cleaning every day.

         ii) Pupils bringing their own lunch:

            1. Food should be put in a re-usable container. School will not reheat food for pupils.

            2. Glass containers are not allowed.

            3. No liquid food such as congee or soup.

            4. Food which easily goes bad such as sushi, salad or milk products are not advised.

        iii) Delivery of lunch to school:

            1. Delivery time: 11:50 to 12:10.

            2. Location: Lunch boxes should be delivered to the entrance of the school car park.

            3. For the sake of safety, parents should leave school as soon as possible after the delivery.

            4. Please write your child’s name and class clearly on top of the lunch box. Our staff will deliver the lunch to the classroom accordingly.

            5. Parents do not need to stay at school to collect the empty lunch box. Pupils should take the empty lunch box home every day.

            6. Liquid food such as soup or congee is not allowed.

        iv) Order lunch from the lunch supplier:

            1. Lunch supplier: Sailing Boat Luncheon Production Limited

            2. Choices: There are four sets of lunch available including a set of vegetarian food.

            3. Price: $29 per lunch. Orders should be made monthly.

            4. Ordering method:

-Parents need to download "Easy Order Smenu" from the App Store or Google Play.

-Register according to the information provided in the "Easy Ordering Notice to Parents".


-For details, please refer to Attachment 1 "Easy Ordering Parent Teaching Guide" or go to the link below to watch the teaching video.


*If you have any inquiries about the "Easy Order Smenu" mobile application, please call 24709015 or WHATSAPP 61900132 during office hours.

- Menu and Order form will be uploaded in "Easy Order Smenu" app at the beginning of each

month. Please fill out the form before deadline. Ordering after the deadline will not be accepted.

5. Payment method:

 a. Payme, Circle K or PPS app.

 b. Students who benefit from the "Free School Lunch Program" are not required to pay.

6. To cancel the lunch due to absence, parents should personally log in to "Easy Ordering Smenu" app

and press X to request a refund before 9:00a.m. School will not cancel lunch for your child. Refund

will be deducted in the next order. No refund will be made if parents do not cancel lunch for your

child and the lunch box will be destroyed.

7. Special arrangments:

                 a. Lunch will be cancelled if bad weather signal is hoisted and the school is suspended according     

to EDB announcement. Refund will be made in the next order.

                b. If school suspensions announcement is made after 8:00a.m., the lunch will be delivered as

normal. No refund will be made.

B. Free Lunch Application  

The Education Bureau (EDB) will continue to provide Free Lunch at Schools for eligible primary students in the 2023/24 school year. You are now invited to join the programme. Before making an application, please read the details below:


Primary 1 to Primary 6 students meeting all of the following criteria can participate in the programme:

(i)                  receiving full grant under the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Schemes in the 2023/24 school year;

(ii)               studying in a whole-day government/aided primary school (including special schools) or a primary school under the Direct Subsidy Scheme; and

(iii)           having lunch arranged by the schools they attend (students bringing their self-packed lunch to schools will not be provided with the subsidy).



The funding will be disbursed directly to participating schools by EDB and schools should pay lunch expenses on behalf of eligible students.



to Note:

(i)           Participation in the programme is voluntary. Parents who wish to participate have to submit the following two documents to schools, including

  • the duly completed reply slip attached to schools’ circular with parents’ consent on students’ participation in Free Lunch at Schools;
  • the Notification of Result for Assessment of Eligibility or Eligibility Certificate issued by the Student Finance Office (SFO) of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) to prove that their children meet the eligibility criteria for receiving full grant under the SFA Schemes. 

(ii)         In principle, the provision of lunch subsidy should start from the date on which parents submit an application under the programme. Parents should not make a retrospective claim for any lunch subsidy before the date of application.

(iii)        Since it takes time for vetting applications under the SFA Schemes and it is a common practice to make prepayment for lunch expenses, for parents who are pending the assessment result of the SFA Schemes when submitting an application for Free Lunch at Schools and have already settled the payment for their children’s lunch expenses, on condition that they can produce the required documentary proof, the school will arrange for a refund by the lunch supplier.

(iv)       Parents with no intention to apply for Free Lunch at Schools at the beginning of the school year may submit an application later. However, the provision of lunch subsidy will only start from the date on which they submit an application to the school. Parents should not make a retrospective claim for any lunch subsidy before the date of application.

(v)         The school is required to verify a student’s eligibility according to the information provided by SFO. If a student’s full grant status under the SFA Schemes cannot be proven/ is rejected upon the review of SFO, the school would ask parents to pay the lunch expenses to the lunch supplier and to refund the sum that the school has paid on behalf of the student.

(vi)       The information provided by parents is only used for processing applications for Free Lunch at Schools.

(vii)      [If it is necessary for the school to provide their lunch supplier with the information of students participating in Free Lunch at Schools, the following disclaimer should be added as item (vii):]

If required, the school may provide the lunch supplier with the name of the students concerned but the use of this piece of information is only confined to matters in relation to Free Lunch at Schools.


點餐易家長教學指引 Smenu Tutorial 


點餐易家長教學指引 Smenu Tutorial PDF




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